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Spielerinnen feiern Torerfolg, jubeln und umarmen sich.

Learn to play like a pro

Professional and technology-driven football education in a subscription model | No waiting list | Flexible booking | Can be cancelled monthly | No weekend commitments | Start: from August 21/22, 2023

Kunstrasen der Sportanlage Buchlern in Zürch-Altstetten.

Zurich Football Academy


The Zurich Football Academy (ZFA) is a privately organized football school with professionally trained and SFV-certified coaches.

The aim of the ZFA is to provide children and young people with a sound and targeted football education and to prepare them for the transition to an ambitious club. The ZFA works towards making a contribution to the development of Swiss football.

Target group

The ZFA is aimed at intrinsically motivated kids from the age categories of five to eight years and nine to 12 years, who are on one of the long waiting lists of a club or are looking for a holistic and professional soccer education as an alternative to joining a club.


The Zurich Football Academy is open to boys and girls alike, and training takes place in mixed groups in Zurich-Altstetten and Zurich-Albisrieden.

Unique Selling Proposition

The main differentiator of the Zurich Football Academy compared to similar institutions is the combination of proven training concepts of the Swiss Football Association (SFV), the use of new technologies during (technology-based exercises) and after (analysis, individual development plan) training, as well as a strict adherence to in-house values.

New training methods and technologies are continuously integrated into the operation and keep the training concept up-to-date.

Das stolze Logo der Zurich Football Academy, der «Zürileu»

The traditional "Zurich owl" also adorns the Zurich Football Academy crest. The lion represents natural strength and superiority, agility and bravery as well as inner calm and mental power. The coaches are proud to wear the "Zürileu" on their left breast and to represent the values of the Zurich Football Academy to the outside world with this crest.

Founders and Vision

Der Gründer und geistige Vater hinter der Zurich Football Academy, Mike J. Herter

Mike J. Herter

Mike became addicted to the most beautiful pastime in the world when he was five years old. He is the spiritual father behind the ZFA and bears the overall responsibility. Mike was himself a passionate soccer player at a higher amateur level and coached for several years at soccer clubs in the city of Zurich.

Die Mitgründerin und Verantwortliche für Administration, Marketing, Social Media und Events, Laura J. Herter

laura J. HErter

Laura not only fell in love with Mike at the time, but also with soccer. She takes care of the administration and is responsible for marketing as well as social media and event management. Laura used to work at the FIFA Museum in Zurich in the area of education and outreach for children and young people - and she loved working with those young football maniacs.

Mike J. Herter beim Schuss aufs Tor.





Professionelles Fussballtraining für 5- bis 12- Jährige im flexiblen Abo-Modell
  • 4 Trainings pro Monat

  • Keine aufwändigen Matches an den Wochenenden

  • Alle 2 Monate Fussballturnier im Wert von CHF 40/Kind inkl.

  • Betreuung durch professionelle Trainerinnen und Trainer

  • Eigenes Ausbildungskonzept, angelehnt an den Ansatz des SFV

  • Trainings Kit (T-Shirt, Hose, Stulpen, Bag) im Wert von CHF 75/Kind inkl. (zur Miete)

  • Einsatz von modernsten Technologien

  • Analyse und individueller Entwicklungsplan

  • Monatlicher Leistungsbericht

  • Nach Austritt Zertifikat mit individueller Beurteilung

  • Und: CHF 15 Preisvorteil gegenüber einzelnem Training

Technologies and apps


Männer im Zweikampf gegeneinander.

Innovatives Angebot, das mit seiner Flexibilität und Philosophie den Zeitgeist trifft.

Valérie (36) - Zürich

Basic rules


The players, coaches and trainers show mutual respect. Insults, violence and the like will be sanctioned with yellow and red cards and exclusion.


During the training sessions, the absolute focus is on the corresponding training sessions and the games. Activities that affect the whole group are not allowed.

No Smartphones

The use of smartphones by players during training sessions and breaks is strictly prohibited. Exceptions are emergencies and contacting parents.

Sponsored monthly subscriptions

Familien und Elternteile, die ihr Kind gerne für die Zurich Football Academy anmelden wollen, aber sich die CHF 105 bzw. 185 (Zurich Football Academy Pro) nicht leisten können, haben die Möglichkeit, sich für ein gesponsertes Monatsabo zu bewerben.

Lokale Sponsoren aus der Stadt Zürich übernehmen für entsprechende Kinder die monatliche Gebühr.

Die Bewerbung erfolgt über das Formular. Entsprechende Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden gesichtet und so rasch wie möglich vom Gründer-Team für einen Videocall kontaktiert.

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